
A curated wellness platform for people who want to skip the studio.

My contribution
UI/UX & Branding
The Team
Mindfl Places


For the past 6 years, meditation has played a pivotal role in my life, the benefits of which are unique and all too necessary in the hyper-connected world we live in today. Through experiences in intimate small group settings and larger retreats, I've come to realize a wellness practice is only as enriching as the community you surround yourself with. With the influx of impersonal wellness apps, and yoga studios closer to gyms than places of wellness in mind, I've attempted to create an experience that merges the convenience of a digital interface with the irreplaceable experience that connecting with a teacher brings. MindflPlaces was built in hopes to bring awareness to this aspect of meditation and yoga practice by connecting seasoned practitioners alike with wellness teachers in the privacy of a hosts’ home. By connecting community through shared spaces, MindflPlaces allows these practices to become more widely accessible.

The Design Process.

This project was designed during my senior year at Loyola Marymount University. I understood the importance of group settings when it came to meditation, so the main objective was to figure out a way to better connect wellness instructors with students outside of a traditional studio setting.

The process began with a simple white board sketch of the key features to include. These were, Teach, Discover, and Host. Teach would include wellness instructor information. Discover would give the user the ability to book a wellness class near them. Host would enable someone with open space to host a class on their property.

The Design.

My design mainly focused on a user friendly approach to meditation and wellness. Living in LA, I understood that the studios that seemed to be doing well were the ones that were branding to the younger generation and not so much the seasoned yogi. I wanted to strike a balance between the two. My target audience for this idea fell into two categories: seasoned practitioners wanting a place to practice outside of a traditional studio setting, and newbies who were looking to start a practice with like-minded people in a more low-key environment that a studio can't provide.

The Listing page or "Discover" is where users are able to find local meditation or yoga classes near them. The interactive map along with filters aim to make this as simple as possible.

Once a user selects the class they would like to attend, they are able to book now or save for another date. This allows the teachers to know how many people they are going be expecting.

Once you're booked, you are able to see the teacher profile as well as the other students who will be joining you in the class.

To learn more about a wellness teacher, the user simply clicks on their image and their profile will populate with offered classes, reviews, photos of classes and locations where they teach at, as well as their credentials.

This is how I presented my concept to a crowd of people. The computer shown in the middle had a working prototype that guests would be able to click through and experience Mindflplaces.

Final Thoughts.

MindflPlaces is now Sanghos.

Visit us at www.sanghos.com to learn more.

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