In the Now

What is this?

It was about 3 years ago  I stumbled upon Derek Sivers’ blog where he talked about the importance of having what he calls a “now” page - a page on your website that showcases what you’re  focused on at a particular point in your life. It’s different from an about page because it’s focused on the now instead of past accomplishments. 

Starting in 2017 I took this newfound concept and started posting my very own “now” page. It started off as a blog where I’d post about what I was doing in that particular month - after all this was the sole purpose of a “now” page that Derek Sivers layed out. But then I quickly turned it into an experiment - where I’d write a long-form blog post about a certain topic, then (here’s the experimental part) after one month I would delete the article and create a brand new one for the next month. I’d like to think of it as a practice of impermanence, but others thought I was crazy. Bad for SEO...probably. Bad for my online presence...most likely. But it helped me become comfortable with posting long-form writing on the internet because I knew it would just be there for a month, then it would be taken down.

It’s now 2020 and my perspective on this “now” page has changed. First off I’m changing the title of this page to “In the Now” - a play on the phrase “in the know” and it also drives home the purpose of what this page is about: the current happenings of my life in the now. Secondly, Instead of deleting my blog posts every month, I’ll start saving them so readers can have access to them whenever. That two year long experiment of deleting blog posts was a failed attempt to get me to write without worrying about my content staying up for all to see. I’m now over that fear, thus I want to make sure my writings can be accessed by whoever and whenever for years to come.

Okay enough background.. Enjoy this month's in the now page!

In the Now

A semi-monthly blog based on Derek Sivers'
Now page concept   

June 2024

Summer in NYC, turning 29, and Breathwork,
June 18, 2024
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April 2021

April 2021: Kettle bells, walking meditation, and the Power of Now.
April 9, 2021
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March 2021: My Social Media Experiment

Follow along with my experiment of quitting social media for 30 days.
April 9, 2021
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February 2021

What I've been up to this month.
March 15, 2021
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Farewell to Los Angeles

I'm leaving LA.
February 8, 2021
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Dealing with Quarantine Fatigue

How I've personally been coping with this phenomenon called quarantine fatigue.
January 13, 2021
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Why I Meditate

The story of how I got started with meditation, how I've kept up with it, as well as tips and resources for building a practice.
December 16, 2020
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A Tribute to Napa Valley

October 2020: A tribute to the valley I've called home for 25 years.
December 16, 2020
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The Importance of Play

September 2020: The importance of play. How does creativity play a role in my life and how it can for you.
December 16, 2020
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